The SCLS ILS team has been developing a new way for libraries to help us prioritize improvements to LibLime Koha. We will be using a voting software called UserVoice. We have entered known development requests and bugs into the software. Libraries will be using the software to vote to help identify what we should work on after development in progress is finished. Directors or their appointees will be voting. Each library will receive 20 votes. Libraries may use up to 3 votes on any one entry in the database. Due to the nature of the software, we are not able to weight votes by library. The voting is meant to be a guide, not an absolute list of what we will do next as there are many other factors that go into developing LibLime Koha. For now the GetIt Acquistions software is not included in the voting as it is on a separate development path.
In order to prepare libraries to evaluate the projects in the database and directors to do the actual voting, we will do the following:
- Update the in progress and planned development projects list
- Provide a PDF version of all of the projects in the voting software database to print and route to library staff
- Provide documentation on how to use the software
- Conduct webinars for directors on how to use the software
The timeline is as follows:
9/16/13 Post documentation, PDF of projects in database and updated development list
9/19/13 & 9/24/13 Webinars
10/1/13 Open voting
10/31/13 Close voting
Top projects will be reviewed at the November 21 All Director's Meeting.