As you know, LibLime had to abort the platform upgrade this week. The date has been changed to the night of Tuesday, July 27.
In the morning of Wednesday, July 28, check your email and the SCLS status wiki to confirm the platform move was completed before accessing Bibliovation and before self-check/sorter libraries make the changes as previously instructed.
Best case scenario:
Once the move is complete, Indexing will start. Libraries can adjust their self-check settings and other IP setting work will be completed by SCLS and the database vendors. Libraries will be able to access patron records, check out item to patrons and check in materials but searching may be unreliable for much of the day until the re-indexing is complete.
The move will begin at 9 pm CDT and complete by 7 am on Wednesday, July 28. Indexing will start. Libraries will have access to the system and may begin regular functions. Libraries can adjust their self-check and sorter settings and the other IP setting work will be completed by SCLS and the database vendors. Searching may be unreliable for much of the day until the re-indexing is complete.
Worst case scenario:
The move will begin at 9 pm CDT and allowed to continue until completed. Libraries will not have access to the system and may not begin regular functions until we notify you. If the move is not complete by the time libraries start to open, they will need to use Offline Circulation or an alternative method to check out materials until the move is complete.
- If your library uses Offline Circulation, confirm that each of your staff Check Out stations has the Firefox extension installed before 7/27. The step-by-step instructions for installation and use of Offline Circulation is in the Circulation Manual, Section XV Offline Circulation.
Thank you for your attention.