Past practice for entering more than one email addresses in the Primary email field was to place a comma or a semicolon between the addresses. This has been a very useful tool for parents/guardians to (also) receive email notices that their children/guarantees receive, as well as other types of situations where more than one email address is provided for a patron record.
Oregon Library discovered that if a semicolon is used to separate addresses, the address after a semicolon will not receive the email notices.
This was confirmed and reported to LibLime, who stated that we should ONLY be using commas to separate email addresses.
Please inform all of your staff that create/edit patron records that if they are asked to place multiple email addresses in a Primary email field, to ONLY use a comma to separate the addresses.
There were 71 patron records in our database that were using the semicolon, LibLime has replaced all of those semicolons with commas.