LAST UPDATED 12/5/2019
Here is a detailed list of events for libraries for the migration from LibLime Koha to Bibliovation. This list includes cutoffs for various ILS services--such as report requests. Also included are the dates for cessation of various activities on LibLime Koha prior to the migration.
12/6/2019, 9 pm All GetIt activity on LibLime Koha suspended*
12/12/2019, 9 am All GetIt activity available on Bibliovation
*Libraries have been contacted via email regarding year-end rollover details.
12/6/2019, 9 pm All linking activity on LibLime Koha suspended
12/12/2019, 9 am All linking activity available on Bibliovation
12/6/2019, 8:59 pm All returned items and holds checkin should be complete prior to library closing!
12/6/2019, 9 pm All circulation activity on LibLime Koha suspended
12/7/2019 Libraries begin using Offline Circulation for checkouts only (no checkin) OR use a manual way to track checkouts (see Offline Circulation section for details)
12/7/2019-12/10/2019 are closed dates in all library calendars in Koha and Bibliovation. No items will have those days as due dates, patrons will not be charged overdue fines for those days, and holds will not expire on the hold shelf.
12/10/2019 Circulation activity available on Bibliovation; schedule to be determined. Important! Libraries will be notified of their "Go Live" time and specific instructions for restoration of circulation service.
11/1/2019, 5 pm Any changes to circulation rules submitted by November 1 will be completed in Bibliovation before the migration (December 6). Changes submitted after November 1 will not take effect until after January 31, 2020.
Codes will follow the normal submission process. Any codes approved at the December 2 ILS Committee meeting will be added after the migration.
CreativeBug, Hoopla, Kanopy and
12/6/2019, 9pm Authentication will be down. If a patron already has an account, the service may continue to work (this will depend on the online resource).
12/9/2019 or 12/10/2019 Once we’ve confirmed authentication is working with Bibliovation, an update will be sent to the scls-databases email list and added to the status wiki.
All other locally subscribed database
12/6/2019, 3pm Patrons will be able to access these databases, however we will be authenticating against a backup of the patrons taken Thursday night 12/5. Changes to patron records made on Friday (12/6) will not be reflected in this backup.
12/7/2019-12/9/2019 We will continue using the backup for authentication.
12/9/2019 or 12/10/2019 After testing, we will switch to using live patron lookups against Bibliovation. An update will be sent to the scls-databases email list and added to the status wiki.
12/6/2019, 8:59 pm All delivery checkin should be complete! Do not leave bins of materials to be checked in after the migration.
12/7/2019 Normal delivery; libraries hold delivery* (no checkin)
12/8/2019 No delivery (normal); libraries hold delivery* (no checkin)
12/9/2019 Normal delivery, but may be light (pickups from 12/6 & 12/7); libraries hold delivery* (no checkin)
12/10/2019 Normal delivery, but may be light; (checkin may begin only as instructed)
12/11/2019 & 12/12/2019 Delivery may be heavier than usual
*1) Libraries will hold items belonging to other libraries returned during downtime (until they can be checked in once Bibliovation is available).
*2) As bins are received from Delivery, attach a Post-it with the received date to the bin. Once the system is available, libraries will check in oldest items first.
12/6/2019, 8:59 pm through 12/12/19 9 am Credit card payment will be deactivated. It may be restored sooner following testing.
Libraries may continue to submit Work Request forms through the migration, but most work will not be completed until after December 12, 2019.
There will be special instructions for going live. "Go Live" may be phased in, with some libraries participating in a soft go live. All libraries should wait for instructions before proceeding with any activities on Bibliovation.
If you have questions, need help, or to report a problem, see the Get Help Page for instructions on submitting a ticket.
Additional information will be made available on the LINKCat News blog.
The ILS News page will announce new blog posts, etc. The weekly Top 5 email will announce upcoming deadlines.
During the downtime period, follow the status wiki for up-to-the minute instructions.
SCLS will have extended Help Desk Coverage hours during which you may call the
normal Help Desk Numbers. On Saturday & Sunday, help is for Offline Circulation only.
Saturday, December 7 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, December 8 12:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Monday, December 9 & Tuesday, December 10 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
12/6/2019, 3pm iBoss will be available, however we will be authenticating against a backup of the patrons taken Thursday night 12/5. Changes to patron records made on Friday (12/6) will not be reflected in this backup.
12/7/2019-12/9/2019 We will continue using the backup for authentication.
12/9/2019 or 12/10/2019 After testing, we will switch to using live patron lookups against Bibliovation. An update will be sent to the scls-iboss email list and added to the status wiki.
12/6/2019, 9 pm LINKcat & LINKcat Mobile will not be available
12/10/2019, 9 am LINKcat & LINKcat Mobile will be available (LINKcat may be available prior to this, but this is the date/time that will be published)
The Bibliovation Migration PR Work Group is preparing materials for libraries to share with patrons.
12/6/2019 MyPC will be available as usual.
12/7/2019-12/9/2019 MyPC will not be checking credentials against the ILS. Patrons will automatically be able to log in with whatever credentials they enter. Patron age will not be checked.
12/9/2019 or 12/10/2019 Full credential checking will be restored. Updates in status will be sent to the scls-timeandprint email list and added to the status wiki.
12/6/2019, 9 pm All newspaper index activity on LibLime Koha suspended
12/12/2019, 9 am Newspaper index available [note: the newspaper index is not being upgraded to Bibliovation at this time]
12/7/2019-12/11/2019 No print notices will be generated
12/12/2019 Print notices will be available
12/7/2019-12/10/2019 Libraries may use offline circulation for checkouts only
12/10/2019 Important! Libraries will be notified of their "Go Live" time and specific instructions for restoration of circulation service, including uploading offline circulation or entering the transactions recorded using other methods.
There is a new version of Offline Circulation that will be an extension in FireFox. SCLS staff will be deploying the new Offline Circulation extension in early November. An announcement will be made when it is available. Instructions for using Offline Circulation for checkouts will be made available. There will be special instructions for checking out holds.
12/6/2019-12/9/2019 Users will be able to log into OverDrive and to them, there will be no disruption in service.
12/6, 3pm OverDrive will switch to a backup authentication option. Because OverDrive won’t be using our full set of rules, users who normally don’t have access may be able to sneak in during the downtime.
12/9/2019 or 12/10/2019 Once we’ve confirmed the connection is working, OverDrive will switch back to our full set of rules. An update will be sent to the scls-databases email list and added to the status wiki.
12/12/2019 Update, Libraries are not able to run reports in Bibliovation with the exception of the Holds Awaiting Pickup and Holds Queue Reports. Libraries can run those. Libraries can also download report results from the ILS Reports web page. (Daily Overview, Purchase Alert, Trace Report, etc.)
12/6/2019, 9 pm Use of Crystal Reports to run reports suspended. We do not have a date and time by which we will restore the ability to run reports following the migration as we are transitioning to a new solution. Staff may submit requests for custom reports in place of using Crystal Reports. These will be run as soon after the migration as possible. (See next item.)
11/15/2019, 5 pm Last day to request custom reports on LibLime Koha that will be completed prior to the migration. Report requests submitted after 11/15 will be completed post migration (date to be determined).
All standard reports will be run as regularly scheduled. If they are delayed, we will alert everyone.
SCLS will not be developing any new report requests or custom reports until after the migration.
12/6/2019, 9 pm The Bibliovation sandbox will not be available. The restoration date is unknown.
12/6/2019, 9 pm Self checkout and sorter use will be suspended
12/10/2019, Self checkout and sorters may be used, time to be determined
12/6/2019, 9 pm All serials activity on LibLime Koha suspended
12/12/2019, 9 am Some serials activity available on Bibliovation (details here)
12/13/2019 2:30 pm All serials activity (other than Claims and Vendors) available on Bibliovation
12/6/2019, 9 pm Talking Tech call in will be suspended
12/7/2019 Talking Tech will call for holds trapped on 12/6
12/8/2019 No holds notification calls
12/9/2019 No holds notification calls
12/10/2019 Talking Tech will be available for call in, time to be determined
Date/time to be determined: Restoration of Talking Tech holds notification
Training is ongoing through 11/20/2019. See the ILS Training page for information.